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Curso de Inglês Intermediário - Módulo 3
Ancora 1 - Módulo 3 - Aula 17
Conteúdos da Aula


(Read the dialogues below.)

A. Hi, Jim. I really didn’t expect the emergency meeting. Thanks for taking my son to the game. I really appreciate it.

B. It’s my pleasure. I’m glad I could help. I really enjoyed his company.

A. By the way, there’s another game this weekend. Let’s all go together.

B. That sounds great! Let me check my schedule.

A. Hi, there. I believe this wallet is yours.

B. Oh wow, yes. Thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver. Where did you find it?

A. It was near the vegetable section.

B.  I didn’t even know I dropped it. I can’t express how thankful I am. I owe you big time.

A. Oh no please, it’s nothing. I’m just glad to help out.



express - Expressar

Example: She expresses her gratitude to her parents by working hard at school.

Ela expressa sua gratidão à seus país estudando muito na escola.

token - símbolo

Example: The company gave John a plaque as a token of thanks for his hard work.

A empresa deu uma placa à John como um símbolo de agradecimento por seu trabalho duro.

appreciate - apreciar, gostar
Example: Thanks for the gift! I really appreciate it.

Obrigada pelo presente! Eu gostei muito.

thankfully - Ainda bem
Example: It suddenly rained this morning. Thankfully, I had my umbrella with me.

Choveu de repente essa manhã. Ainda bem que eu estava com meu guarda-chuva.

lifesaver - salva-vidas, salvar vidas
Example: Thanks for e-mailing me our assignments when I was sick. You’re a lifesaver!
Obrigada por me mandar nossas tarefas quando eu fiquei doente. Você salvou a minha vida.



Thank you/Thanks for…
Obrigada(o)/Obrigada(o) por…
Example: Thank you for attending my party.

Obrigada por ter ido à minha festa.

I’m so thankful…

Sou muito grato…

Example: I’m so thankful for having a supportive family.

Sou muito grato por ter uma família que sempre me apoia.

My pleasure…

O prazer foi meu…


A: A: Thanks for helping us with the project.
B: It’s my pleasure. I enjoyed working with all of you.

A:Obrigada por nos ajudar no projeto.
B:O prazer foi meu. Me divertí trabalhando com vocês.

Vídeos Complementares
Âncora 2 - Módulo 3 - Aula 17
Atividade Avaliativa

1. Complete the dialogue using the new vocabulary words and expressions we learned.

Complete o diálogo usando o vocabulário e expressões novas que aprendemos.

A.  Hi, Joni. It’s raining really hard. Would you like a ride home?

B.  Yes, I’d really appreciate that. ___________________________ the offer.

A.  No worries. We’re heading the same way anyway.

B.   You’re such a ______________________ !

2. Complete the dialogue using your own answers. You can use any of new vocabulary words and expressions, if possible.

Complete o diálogo com suas próprias respostas. Você pode utilizar qualquer vocabulário ou expressão nova, se possível.

A.  I feel fortunate that I have a job. A lot of people are unemployed these days.

B. Me too. I also feel grateful that I _____________________________.

A. We certainly have a lot to be thankful for. I think we should look into helping those who are in need.

B. Certainly! Maybe we could try doing some charity work like ______________________________________.

A. IThat’s a great idea! I hope we can do that soon.

Quick Questions and Answers (Q&A) 


1. Make a text:

1. What is one thing you’re thankful for in your life?

2. When was the last time you thanked someone?

3. How would you thank someone who did a favor for you?

4. How do you respond when people thank you?

5. How do Brazilian people usually show gratitude?

2. Say It! 

1. Talk about the person you are most thankful to have in your life.
Fale sobre a pessoa que você sente mais gratidão por ter na sua vida.

2. Talk about a moment when you felt extremely grateful to someone. How did you express your gratitude to that person?
Fale sobre um momento que você se sentiu extremamente grato à alguém. Como você expressou sua gratidão à aquela pessoa?

3. Discuss with your tutor some of the things that people usually take for granted, but they should actually be thankful for.
Discuta com seu professor algumas coisas que as pessoas normalmente não dão o valor devido, mas a que deveriam ser gratas.

4. Your tutor wants to do something nice to thank a friend who helped him/her with a big favor. Suggest two ways for your tutor to show gratitude to that friend.
Seu professor fazer algo legal para agradecer um amigo que o ajudou com um favor grande. Sugira duas maneiras que seu professor pode mostrar sua gratidão.

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